The holiday season can be an incredibly busy time for many people. Some spend their holidays surrounded by loved ones, with calendars filled with endless activities and events leaving them worn out. Others may find themselves far from family, spending the holiday season alone and looking for ways to pass the time. No matter the circumstances, one thing we can all agree on is that the holiday season can be pretty intense.
Some of us understand what it's like to experience both sides: either spending time with family and offering endless help to make everyone happy, or being miles away unable to experience the festivities except through photos and social media. It’s a time of reflection and connection, but those connections aren’t always joyful—they can bring up memories, highlight absences, or simply feel different from what we expect. Others may be grieving the loss of a family member who made the season brighter. It's okay to experience emotions other than joy during the holiday season—it makes you human.
Prepare for the Holiday Festivities
Around this time of year most people are already knee-deep in preparation for the festivities. Maybe you're getting ready for how loud or quiet your home is going to become, deciding whose house to visit first and last, or figuring out who will be cooking which dish. The planning itself can be simultaneously exciting and exhausting. When we talked with Dr. Ghynecee Temple about "Being The Ultimate Woman," she emphasized the importance of self-care, and the holiday season is no exception.
5 Self-Care Tips for the Holiday Season
To combat holiday burnout, consider these 5 self-care tips to prevent feeling exhausted and overwhelmed:
Acknowledge Your FeelingsTake time to understand what you're feeling. Is it anger? Sadness? Happiness? Identify your emotions and recognise why you're feeling this way.
Set BoundariesKnow your limits. What you're able to do and what you want to do are two different things. Just because you have free time doesn't mean you're available. Often, we overcommit because we don't want to disappoint others, but we end up disappointing ourselves.
Step Away From Social Media During this time of year, it's easy to get caught up in unnecessary comparisons. Focus on the present moment, so you don’t miss it.
Schedule Self-CareYou might think that being with family is enough self-care, but it isn’t always the case. You may find yourself overstimulated by the constant noise, aromas, and lack of privacy, especially if you have a large family. Make time to journal or take a walk in the mornings or evenings..make time for yourself.
Get Enough SleepYes, the holidays are an exciting time, and you're surrounded by family you may only see once a year. Time is precious, and you don't want to waste it. However, be mindful. Avoid running on just a few hours of sleep so you can enjoy the season fully.