Growing up, I never received proper guidance on how to care for my skin beyond the basics of daily cleansing and lotion. Unfortunately, there wasn't any education on skincare as I got older, leaving me with a lack of knowledge and my skin as an afterthought. It wasn't until I encountered issues like acne, oiliness, and disappointing skincare products that I realized I was completely clueless about skin care tailored to my needs.

I began purchasing products based on online reviews and experimenting with DIY remedies like turmeric masks, all to no avail. What became evident to me was not only my lack of understanding in skincare practices but also my unfamiliarity with my own skin. This realization sparked numerous questions that demanded answers. Through extensive research, I discovered that skincare entails much more than just cleansing and moisturizing.
However, If you’re like me when I first started my skin care journey, then you’re probably oblivious to which products do what, how are you supposed to use it and how often. It’s okay, we’re here to help. Before we delve into the guide, it is important to learn where on the Fitzpatrick scale you are.
Pave’yana Bangs, one of our participating licensed aestheticians describes it this way:
The Fitzpatrick scale is a grading system for skin based on how the skin responds to ultraviolet light and professional treatments. It is ranked from levels 1 to 6.
For example, if I were to use a level 3 chemical peel on someone as fair as Jennifer Aniston, who would be a Fitzpatrick level 2, her skin would react completely differently than Lupita Nyong'o's skin, who is a Fitzpatrick 6. Additionally, Jennifer would most likely turn red in the sun without sunscreen, potentially get sunburned, and her skin may turn red and blister. Lupita, on the other hand, would typically get darker in the sun or may not even notice a tan until some time has passed.
Your esthetician should have a way to grade you on the Fitz scale with a specified intake form. I will attach the scale from a Google search so you can have a visual representation of the scale and understand why it is important to know where you stand.

It's no secret that it’s often a struggle to find professionals who understand all skin types and color. I was fortunate enough to find one at the age of twenty-three, but I know that this journey may take time for others. Not to worry, ladies, I've got you covered—I've found the professionals for you! We reached out to the readers of Adaaba to gather all the skincare questions you've been longing to ask a licensed aesthetician. Here’s a guide created with you in mind answering all your skincare questions. Let’s call this, Ask an Aesthetician Volume 1.
This guide is broken down into 3 sections, Hyperpigmentation and Suncare, Skin Care at Home and Products and Professional Treatments. In this guide ,we’ve partnered up with Alexis West, the owner of LS Aesthetic Studio in Brandon, FL; Anika Bodden a licensed aesthetician and owner of Beauty With Bodden Skin Studio in the Toronto and Pave’yana Bangs is a licensed aesthetician who owns Skin Shine Studio in Houston, TX.
Download the guide below: