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How to Stay Motivated When Going Against the Grain 

Writer's picture: Chikeremma Dr. BChikeremma Dr. B

Doing something different from what is considered normal, requires courage, and you must be prepared for the possibility of not being accepted.

Social Acceptance is something we all crave, and this often drives us to make life decisions based on societal norms and the need to fit in. Yet, each of us is called to a unique path in life. Unfortunately, society has created the notion that you're bound to fail if you don’t conform to what's widely accepted. This belief instills fear in many, preventing them from walking in alignment and dancing to the tune of the music playing within their soul. 

black woman posing with her face against the wall

Whenever I think about the legacy I wish to leave behind, I envision one that inspires others to live life on their own terms. But we all know that living life on your own terms can be challenging, especially when the odds are against you. 

So, how can you stay motivated regardless?  

Five ways to stay motivated when going against the grain

  • Remember your why and keep it in focus 

Every journey has its ups and downs, and your "why" is what keeps you motivated when the going gets tough. When pursuing a path that’s uniquely yours, it’s essential to begin by asking yourself why this path matters to you.

Your “why” needs to be deeply personal to you serving as a source of strength when challenges arise.  these challenges come in different forms, but when you fix your eyes on your "why", you will find the resilience to make it to the other side of success. No one is exempted from the challenges of life. 

How do you keep your "why" in focus?

  1. Write it down: Begin by journaling in detail why you chose this path. Putting your thoughts on paper gives clarity and serves as a constant reminder of your purpose.

  2. Create a Vision Board: Visualize the outcome you’re working toward by crafting a vision board. Seeing the goals you hope to achieve will keep you motivated as you push forward. 

  3. Share with a Trusted Friend: Talk about your "why" with a close friend you trust. Having someone to hold you accountable can provide support when you feel like giving up. They can remind you of your purpose and help keep you on track. 

  • Always seek help and encouragement from others

Here is a real truth - you cannot do life alone, you need people. 

Some challenges are too overwhelming to handle on your own. At times, these struggles can weigh on your mental health so much that you can't think clearly.  this is where your friends become invaluable.

Never be ashamed to ask for help when you need it. A simple word of encouragement from that one friend you are hesitating to call might be all it takes to stop you from throwing in the towel. 

  • Celebrate your wins and milestones

It is very important that you celebrate your wins no matter how little as you navigate your path. When you do this, you are building a track record to remind yourself of your strength and ability to overcome challenges.

Giving yourself a pat on the back when you accomplish certain milestones also helps to feed your brain reward center boosting your sense of achievement. The more you do this the more it fuels your motivation to keep pushing through. 

One of the beautiful things about life is that others have walked the path you are on. Thanks to the internet we have access to countless stories of people, who have faced similar challenges. With some research, you will find someone with a story that reflects your own. 

These stories serve as a reminder of what is possible when you don’t give up. They are there for you to see that if someone else can be a hero in their own story, you too can be a hero in your’s too. For inspiration, explore our Apogee or Woman of Substance series, where we celebrate individuals who’ve carved their own unique paths.

  • Always seek God’s help

At some point, you have to realize that your own strength may not be sufficient enough to help you pull through certain difficulties you might encounter. When you realize this, I want you to remember that you can always seek God’s help.

If He led you to begin a thing in the first place, He will guide you through it. Trust that He will give you the motivation and strength you need to continue on the path He has set for you. 

Concluding thoughts

It is common to experience resistance, challenges, and obstacles when you decide to go the path less traveled. Going against the norm can be unpredictable and tough, but chasing your dreams and walking in alignment is better than settling for a life that leaves you unfulfilled.

The truth is, motivation won’t always be enough. Sometimes, you just have to push through, even when you don’t feel motivated. It’s not just about staying inspired but about making a decision that no matter what, you will do whatever it takes to succeed on your chosen path. 

Whenever you are tempted to give up, remember that your decision to continue on your unique path is giving someone else the confidence to pursue their unique path. Staying committed to a path you have set for yourself allows you to make a difference, leave an impact, and create a lasting legacy.

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