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Chikeremma Dr. B
Mar 4, 20244 min read
I Desire to level up! Where Do I Begin?
There are seasons in our lives when we start to crave an upgrade, whether in specific areas or more generally. During such times, we may...

Stephanie Anyamele
Dec 18, 20235 min read
Position yourself for elevation
2023 was a significant year for me. I can't say that I had a solid, laid-out plan for how I wanted or thought the year should go, but...

Efuwa Tomety
Jun 12, 20235 min read
Trials, Tragedies and Triumphs
Meet Sherry Ekong - a resilient, determined, and faithful woman who recently celebrated her 60th birthday surrounded by loved ones with...

Efuwa Tomety
Apr 11, 20223 min read
6 Bible verses to turn to when feeling depressed
Dealing with depression can be very lonely and overwhelming. Sometimes, gathering the courage to talk to someone about how we are feeling...

Efuwa Tomety
Sep 27, 20211 min read
A Page From My Journal Ep1- Time & Patience
I wanted the road map to becoming who I wanted to be and … I had fooled myself into thinking theories are literal to practicals in the laws

Efuwa Tomety
Mar 29, 20214 min read
Lessons from The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
I often say that reading The Alchemist completely elevated the way that I viewed life as a whole. The level of wisdom I gained is worth...

Efuwa Tomety
Mar 1, 20212 min read
Mistakes and Judgements | Yellow Layers
Being judgemental, is getting a kick out of making negative moral assessments of other people. It's finding satisfaction in seeing others...

Koromone Koroye
Dec 6, 20201 min read
Woman, thou art loosed
You don’t remember how it started exactly, but one day you woke up and suddenly you weren’t the woman God created you to be. There was an...

Efuwa Tomety
Nov 4, 20204 min read
How To Pray
First of all what is prayer?
Many often we see prayer as a very big deal, as if you needed to be Jesus Christ himself to say a prayer but le
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